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2002-10-22, 3:51 a.m. : so it's a tad bit late...

Okay, so that was fun.

At noon, Bob came over to run my solo D&D campaign, to catch me up with everybody else.

He put me down the rabbit hole, surrounded me with midgets who ruined my alcohol, and gave me the Sword of Truth. And a level.

Then we went over to Oger's to make Bob his Hunter character.

And then it was almost three so I went to class. At 3:30 we went to lunch. (I bought, because we were all hungry and neither of them had money. And I'm generous like that.)

Then we went to Nate's for a while after we got back. I gave Nate quite a bit of a backrub because Cassie had sat on him yesterday and hurt him.

I decided I was going to walk back to my room and maybe catch a nap.

I discovered I was wrong, when I ran into Mike.

So I went with him to the gas station to watch him get cigarettes and he bought me a drink. A Tropicana Twisters with Black Strawberry and Dragonfruit or something odd like that. It was actually pretty good.

Then, I grabbed my swords and paint and some other stuff (Like the new Honor Harrington book... *grins*) and we went back over to his room... almost... okay, so I was in his room for about ten seconds and then we were outside and then we went to practice. So that was cool.

Let's see... we had me, Mike, Oger, Nate, Hannah, Anthony, Rusty, Justin, Bob, Rowan, and Ash.

And maybe some more, I canna remember.

Thing is, Rowan was wearing his cloak so we couldn't see who it was at first... I kinda thought maybe it was Ash.

That's actually not that bad of a guess. They're the same size, and dress in similar clothes, and have the same coloring.

And tonight I discovered that their personas are brother and sister. Which means that my Amazon High Priestess is a half-elf... ah well?

Practice pretty much rocked, though. I discovered that I'm fairly good at killing Oger when I have Hannah's kubatan.

Gods, I want a kubatan...

Gotta get me some PVC here nice and soon. *thwacks herself in the forehead to remember to get enough for a kubatan and Glitch for Bob*

Then, practice sorta paused, while we had a meeting about Altair and stuff that's going to be happening. For one thing, next week, Rowan's back in full-time. (He's the alumni contact for Homecoming - this weekend, same as Altair - so he's been kinda busy...) And for another, chances are good that we're going to get either a bunch of weapons or the chance to stab somebody in the back... so that'll be fun, right? Or something?

So we're just chilling talking during this impromptu meeting, and we decide to go to Joplin. Why not? We can get some Dap for Mike, since he doesn't have his own and Walmart here sucks and is out.

So... we troop back to the various dorms so that everybody has everything they need to go to Joplin.

I called Fenton to see if he'd be up for a while yet, because I wanted to talk to him tonight but I also really wanted to go to Joplin.

I called him at a quarter to midnight here.

In case you can't tell, I got back at a quarter to four...

I think he went to sleep. If so, I'm not about to call him and wake him up because he doesn't sleep enough anyway. ;)

Or at least he's maybe getting sick and that's not good so he should sleep as much of it off as he can. :)

Anyway, we went to two Walmarts and a Denny's.

And now I really like Rowan because he's promised me a back massage.

In case you don't know, promising me such when you're going to carry through and you actually know what you're doing is a Very Good Thing (tm) and I will like you a whole lot after that. I'll like you even more after I actually get the backrub. :)

So, because he'd promised me that and I'm a terribly generous person anyway (Remember? I bought Oger and Bob lunch at Wendy's), I bought him and Oger drinks at Denny's. And myself food. Because I was hungrified, having not eaten for ten hours with a practice thrown in there in the middle.

The one thing about today that wasn't entirely cool is that in the midst of my good-natured generalized flirting with Rowan he said something that made it sound as though he was under the notion that I've got a thing going on with Oger.

And the thing is that I don't, not exactly anyway.

I know Oger would like to be in a relationship with me... I've known that nearly so long as I've known him.

And I've taken the time to figure things out enough to say to myself "Nope, see, this really wouldn't work out. For a lot of reasons. For instance, NO."

Something like that, anyway.

However, seeing as how I've said that to myself and I know it, I have no problem flirting with him.

And last night, he and kittyCat were over here around 1 am and he caught a chill, something odd. At any rate, he was really cold, shivering, his teeth were chattering... and he couldn't figure out why. And I was dressed fairly lightly, and I wasn't cold, and he's bigger than me so theoretically speaking he would be warmer than me in the same temperature...

The point is that I made him stay over here so that I could keep an eye on him.

Because he is my friend, and I was worried about him, and I'm crazy enough to insist on something like that.

At any rate, he's okay now, it's just that...

Well, for feck's sake, if I'm not dating him, and if I wouldn't date him, then it's bound to piss me off if somebody I happen to think is really cute and I'm flirting with thinks that I'm dating him...

That's just logic, that is.


In other news, while riding in a car through the massive fog on the way to Joplin, a thought popped into my head. And I liked it enough to remember it and think at the time that I wanted to write it in here.

"Yes, the world is a hard place. But it's beautiful."

And then I proved it to myself by going and hanging out at a Denny's for over an hour with a bunch of people, talking about all sorts of stuff, from fraternities to Terry Goodkind/Brooks/Pratchett and the fact that TG's publisher wants to publish Rowan's book when he writes it. Also the fact (although this was at one of the Walmarts) that Rowan et al. wrote a roleplay system that had "the most realistic fighting we've ever seen... can we buy this from you? We'll give you money..." That was what the people from GURPS told him, anyway, he said...

And you know something? It's now 4:12 a.m. according to the same clock as started the entry time and seeing as how I haven't done anything else but write in this, I should stop talking now, methinks.

Anyway, I had fun today. I got to practice. I got promises for a back massage and training from a cute single guy. I showed off my cloak to much acclaim.

However, my head is disconnected, because I'm not tired, there's a full moon, and my ankle hurts.

I think I'm going to read me some Honor Harrington now.

And have naked time. I haven't had any of that in a while. *grins*

Yes, I'm evil... you weren't expecting this to be the end of this entry, were you? ;)

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