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2003-04-17, 1:11 a.m. : a new look without being a new look

And whee.

There's some new stuff that's shown up in my diary in the past few days.

On the other hand, I get an average of 20 hits a day, if that, so I don't suppose there are all so many of you around to notice.

Oh well.

Anyway, I've just spent the last three hours at the computer, most of it directly related to this web page.

I also learned that, in designing your own templates, it is a good thing to keep the html of the design you're using at the moment completely up-to-date so you don't lose any nifty things like counters or links.

But in so doing, you end up changing that html notepad file a lot.

At any rate, this design has a hell of a lot more stuff in it than the basic undeclared designs I have.

That I still don't know how to display so that if you guys want one, you can see what they look like.

Right now, if you do, your best choice is to be talking to me, mention it, and wait while I go through and change my template here so it quickly updates and you can see what it would look like.

This is annoying and time-consuming. I don't like it. I would like to do something spiffy looking, like how everybody else does theirs, in a way.

Aisling, I know you know how to do this. You've got your own designs page. You said something that I completely didn't understand.

Explain it to me?

Oh, and Jenn(ifer) or anybody else who knows, could you explain to me how to make transparent text boxes? Blake and Siet have one, at least, and a couple others probably do who read this... and I wanna know how to make such and really just have no clue at all.

I've also been up too long, I think, and I really ought to stop typing things, especially since I don't really edit this diary for content once I've typed something.

Meaning, my mindless babble is stuck here for good... *le sigh*

arrgh... I'm lonely. Nobody's online, is the problem.

Maybe somebody will be soon.


I'm going home this weekend, so I may not be online much if any, if you were wanting to talk to me for some reason.

So, you know, you could, like, send me an email or something.

Because, you know, I love being loved. And it's fun to get emails that are actually real emails and aren't porn spam or Hotmail spam or mailing list stuff.

You know, stuff I'd actually really really want to read.

Yes, I'm talking to you.

You should email me something now.

Go ahead, it doesn't hurt.


I *seriously* need to stop typing now. I'm going mindtwitched.

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