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2002-01-06, 4:18 p.m. : July 2001

Oh goody... I have a new diary....

"I'd like to thank all the people who made this award possible... John-Boy... my sister... Ryon... Stephen, you naughty boy you... ;) And all the little people, because you need magic in your life."

Aw dang it, that one got serious all a sudden...

Whoo-hoo. I have a diary. This will let people who pretend to care about me, or maybe some who actually do care about me (if there are any... :C) figger out what the hell is going on. Well, it'll maybe give them a fighting chance, anyway...

Bright Blessings!


Ick... I'm bored today. I went and pestered Jules at about 2:15... she was still in bed. Now she's at work. I'm gonna try to get her to go to Walmart with me and buy some muslin, maybe even one of the skinny, cheap, cotton tartans, so that I can start on her garb. She wants to be Scottish, just like me...

I even got her to make a diary on here. But I don't really know any html, so here's to make you suffer: faeriesjules.diaryland.com is the link, and no, it's not highlighted. C:

After I pestered Jules, I went to Walmart to get stuff for Mom. It was kinda boring, and I bought extra stuff. C: Gatorade, because I've never really disliked it, and you get to where you ought to like it if you're going to be out in the heat all day. 4th Company. Right on. C: I thought about picking up some shoes, because I need them desperately (all mine are falling apart or give me blisters or are just totally out of period, even by a stretch of the imagination. <-- my sneakers. C:) So I'll go to Kmart at some point, because I have freakin' big feet and Walmart has a crappier selection anyway.

Basically, if you want food, or cheap stuff, or anything crafty, you go to Walmart. But if you want shoes, or blankets or sheets or towels or drapes or whatever, then you go to Kmart. I don't think my mom really realizes this. Oh well. C:

I'm sad... nobody's talking to me... I could just go over to the guys' house, Greg and Donna and Jess are all over there, but I dunno... unless I get something to make Donna happy, I'd feel kinda useless, and that wouldn't help me at all. It's times like this I wish I had a Shawn, so that I could say "Shawn, come back and be my muse..." But I don't think I have a muse. :C It's really quite sad.

I need to think up a poem or something to give to Julie when I go over there at around 8 or whatever so that she'll be happy and go with me to Walmart. Well, and Dillons, because I still have to buy a roast on Mom's orders for lunch tomorrow.

I'm going to steal a line from John-Boy now, because he's cool.

Slainte Mhath, y'all!

Bright Blessings


I'm bored. Again. And school starts up in less than a month, which really sucks. I'm going to be a senior, so _that's_ all right, but school starts in a month and that really sucks.

And at the beginning of August is when it's going to be really awful, when I won't have any listmail because everybody funny will be gone to Pennsic. I wish I could go to Pennsic, but I can't, and I probably won't be able to even next year unless I can get Mom or Dad interested. www.sca.org I've gotten Jules interested, but what good does that do? She's not my legal guardian! I'm really glad she's interested, and I plan to drag her around half the kingdom, but she can't take me to Pennsic. Of course, I couldn't have gone to Pennsic anyway, unless maybe I'd gotten involved when I first landed on the list. But I was nervous and I didn't introduce myself until what, three, four weeks before Horse and Falcon? With no falcons, and only two horses... poor critters, with the heat...

Bah. I'm going to go check out the kingdom events and see what's coming up next. I don't know why I bother, because I'm pretty sure it's Kingdom A&S and that's in Omaha, but just in case...

I also need to get a hold of Rigela and see if anything is coming up soon locally.

Bright Blessings, y'all


No, I didn't get to go to Walmart with Jules. Or get a new pair of shoes. I did get to hear Jules on the radio, as I watched Michael try to tell her she had to be loud. I don't think that the "Goddess of LuVVVV" needed the help... she's dubbed herself "The Show's Biggest Fan."

But Michael did play my song for me, even if he did forget it at first. Torsten helped, so thank you Torsten, although a) you probably won't read this and b) I probably misspelled your name. The Nixons, "Don't Cry." It's a great song, the guy is saying I love you, and I want you to go, and I just wanted to see you one last time. And this would be depressing, but at the end it's all "Don't go, no matter what I say..."

Yes, I'm maudlin. I've been listening to love songs all day.

I think I'll email the thingie to Julie. And now I've changed my mind, and I'm not, because attachements are bad and take forever anyway, I can't remember the link to where I found it, and just sticking it in the body of the email wouldn't keep the pictures right.

The "thingie" is actually the pattern for a leine, which is historically accurate for 14th century Scotland women's clothing. Jules wants to be Scottish too. I've already said that, too.


My hands hurt.

I've been making chainmaille almost all day. It's kinda fun, but very painful. Part of this is that I'm using 14 gauge steel electric fence wire, and it doesn't like to be cut. And I'm weak. :)

I'm also kinda bored. Maybe this is because I didn't really get to hang out with my friends today. And I know for a fact that part of that is that most of my friends are actually my sister's friends. So while I did get to go over to the guys' house for three hours, and Michael wore Donna's shirt and stuffed it with garbage bags until he had the elusive "perfect figure", other than that it was pretty boring. Well, we did get to watch most of "Dennis Leary: Lock 'n' Load." That was pretty funny...

I watched part of Ever After, too. I left after they hang out with the gypsies, but before Danielle goes home. It's a good place to stop, if you don't want to cry. That, of course, depends on your being the type of person who'd cry at movies, I suppose. I've decided to make Angelica Huston's nightrobe as garb. It's pretty. And simple. So while I have no documented evidence that it's historical at all, let alone to 14th century Scotland, I don't really care. :)

Note to self: Watch "Transylvannia 6-5000" at some point, on the Seneschal's wife's recommendation. And no, I can't remember her name. :(

Today's song is "Wallflower" by Caroline's Spine. It's a good song. "All I smell and taste is garlic and gunpowder..." Heh...

John-Boy is feeling depressed. I sent him a hug over ICQ. I hope he feels better.

Bright Blessings


I just watched "Best of 'Friends'" Part One. It was really good, and now I'm all sad. I wish I had friends like that. Somehow, it always works out, and they've got somebody really funny, too. Of course, that's because they have good writers, which is something that my life lacks.

If only I could live that life... I already know who'd be in it....

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