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2003-02-16, 7:23 a.m. : still not doing what I said I would

Other things that have been happening lately, as I avoid figuring out making a banner because I'm lazy...

Last night, around 8 or so I think, I was very bored.

Very, very bored.

So, with many misgivings, Greg lent me his car, and I went to Hasting's to work on reading Exile's Honor by Mercedes Lackey (good book, so far).

As I walked in, I heard a conversation from the cafe area... something about "Dammit, pillage has to be a sin, that's the only thing I'm innocent of!!"

Shaking my head at that, I went to go find my book.

Suzanne-the-monkey-girl popped up out of nowhere to chat for a bit, and invited me to join her group (yes, it's the group with the non-pillager). I told her I was looking for the book, and she said that the invitation still stood.

Anyway, turns out that between Monday and Friday it got sold. :(

(Rachel, I know you read this but seldom, but if it's you what bought it, I'm going to implode or do something similarly messy if you don't let me read it...)

So I walked over to Suzanne's group, and found out that it was a once-a-month pagan meet-and-greet.

Mind you, this is at 8:30 or 9 pm... and the store closes at 11 pm.

At ten till twelve, I left Hasting's, picked up Greg, and we went to Suzie's house (not Suzanne).

Until about 2.

I don't think we got to bed till 3 or so. If that. Maybe closer to 4.

Conversation rambled muchly, and all that groovy stuff. I was highly amused when the twins showed up at about 11:30. I still don't know why they stopped, though.


Anyway, yesterday I woke up around noon or one or so... we left town a little after 1, I think, and went to see Daredevil in Joplin at 2:15.

It was very good.

I only had one gripe, and I don't think I'm allowed to talk about it as it'd be a spoiler.

Although I will say that Kevin Smith's cameo appearance is funnier than hell. And makes the movie that much better. *grins*

After the movie was over, we went to the mall and tried to find a ring.

A silver ring with an amethyst.

Should this be so hard to find?

I want a fairly plain actual silver band, with a cloudy amethyst. I'm not even terribly picky about the color, although I'd prefer the darker hues. It also needs to be size 9, or close enough so that it can be sized to that. Which means something between 7 and 11, I think. Because the size 6 ring that he bought me on Tuesday won't size up that far, apparently. :(

Anyway, this is apparently impossible to find.

Either you get a clear stone, the band is ugly, the stone is ugly, or it's too damn small.

Found one ring at The Wishing Tree that was fairly close, and actually would fit on my finger, but there was an internal crack in the stone, and the band wasn't that nice either. So we didn't get that.

Then we went to Book Barn and I read the tenth Sandman book.

I'm happy now.

Then we went to Smoke and Fumes for another meet-and-greet, with more people, fewer chairs, and no coffee. :(

I was somewhat aggravated by Suzie.

I talked with the Ray-Ray collective, one half of which offered to get me rainbow ribbons instead of MADD ribbons for next time I wanted to decorate the campus. :)

We left around 9:30 or so, and got back here at a bit after 10, proceeded to have some very nice nooky, and dozed off until midnight when Greg had to go to work.

At which point I went to sleep, and woke up at 5 with the room too warm.

I think you know the rest. ;)

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