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2003-03-01, 8:05 p.m. : I agree, there ought to be an ogre hunt around these parts


Today, I embarked on a path that will effectively remove me from Dagorhir.

That's okay, really, though, because I haven't done a damn thing for six weeks anyway.

And the SCA is more fun, too. For instance, there's stuff to do _OTHER_ than fight.

*shock, amazement*


At any rate, around 2:30 I suppose, I got a message from Oger asking where I was.

So I told him the truth: I was naked, under a cloak. *cue devilish grin*

And I let Greg talk to him if he so wanted.

Oger kept asking where I was, and refusing to say why it was so important he know this. Greg got ticked off about it, and said "Goodbye" after about the third repetition.

Yeah, so we were kinda annoyed with Oger before today...

At that point, Oger got all pissy, and started talking shit about how when I'd borrowed CDs from Ryan, I'd taken advantage of him (R), and so Ryan had told him (O) to get his (R) CDs back pronto.

Mind you, Ryan and Renee had Greg's cell phone number, and it would not have been so impossible for them to call us before they came back into town. Or left. Either one.

Also, when the CDs were borrowed, Renee borrowed one of my books as collateral, with the agreement that if we didn't see them and return the CDs before they left to go back to VA, we would both mail back the respective item(s).

So Oger pretty much got a large stick shoved up his ass because nobody pays him enough attention, and the hot chick who's staying in his room (and has been for more than a month) would rather sleep on the top bunk and screw the twins. Among other things, no doubt, but it's pissing me off.

At any rate, when I told Oger he was being an ass and didn't know what he was talking about, and mentioned the aforementioned deal, he got even more pissy, called me a bitch, told me nobody liked me, said that his mother had told him I wasn't to stay at their house anymore, and said that Deni had said the same thing.


I don't really care if Oger is an asshole. I've actually become quite used to it in the almost-six-months that I've known him.

I don't give a fuck if I'm not going to stay at their house anyway. It smells bad, and a large part of that is probably Oger, who has a severe hygiene problem (basically, he reeks, and he doesn't care).

However... it annoys me that he said that about Deni. Probably because I have no way of telling, yet, if that's true or not; and also because if it is true, it pisses me off that Deni didn't say it herself.

On the other hand, Oger is a pissy little bitch, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just trying to say things that hurt.

That was the only thing that did.

Right now, I've just started talking to Scott, Deni's permanent boyfriend.

So we'll see.

There... I've asked...

*waits for an answer*

Answer: Apparently Oger has told Deni some interesting stories about me. You know, breaking into his room and rifling through it, groping his girlfriend...


Anyway, it boils down to this, once again: Oger is an impotent asshole, and he's making up for it by trying to wreck my friendships.

Good riddance.

(Although I can't help but think how nice it would be to kick him in the balls and the knees...)


Right then. So I'm sick of dealing with whiny bitches, and I wish I had something else to say instead.

Picked up a book at Hasting's earlier, The Path of the Peaceful Warrior or some such. Fairly interesting, wish I could finish it, but we left at 7 because Greg wanted to come home before going to work.


Fuck this. I can't deal with the computer anymore. I'm going to see if Rachel will take me out of here.

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