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2002-08-04, 1:12 a.m. : another Saturday night in the world... hey, wasn't that a song?

2350 hours, Saturday 3 August 2002

Okay, fine, as might be imagined, I�m once again pissed off at Rachel.

Why, you ask?

Well, because she deserves it?

Rather, at about 10 I was happily online, talking to John-Boy, Fenton, and Becca, having been talking to Lizabet before she abandoned me most cruelly.

And Rachel came in and asked if she could have the modem again �real quick�.

Well, Fenton was only going to be online for a while, as long as he was on the phone with his sister, and then he was going to drive off to John-Boy�s. Which is cool, since I�ll talk to him for a bit then, too.

But he was only going to be on the phone for a little while, and I wanted to talk to him while he was. Plus, like I said, I was talking to Becca and John-Boy, and didn�t really want to stop, because they�re cool people.

Which means I got to keep it another ten minutes, and then she�d prolly attempt to garrote me with the phone cord if I tried to delay her any longer.

So I promised everybody I�d talk to them later, and got offline and carried the modem downstairs with a minute to spare and everything.

I even went so far as to hook it into the wall for her and bring it over by her computer so she wouldn�t have to do that, because I�m a terribly nice person sometimes.

As I was leaving her room, I remembered to ask her when I could have it back.

Michael�s suggestion of �5 AM� was not taken any more kindly than Rachel�s idea of �tomorrow�.

I mean, for crying out loud! I hadn�t even finished my email, let alone updated my diary or checked posts at Momma�s, or read any of my comics!

So I didn�t appreciate that, especially since she�d been home and online and gotten off. It was my time, dammit!

And I gave it up so she could do her thing.


I tried to talk to her about it, but she kept saying that �I get the modem all week� because she�s going to Kentucky.

That�s as maybe, but if she�s all that worried about it, I�ll be happy to trade her places. I haven�t seen David or Kat in four years, and if I were in Kentucky I�d rest assured that Fenton�d pick John-Boy up and come see me.

I don�t think she�d be all that happy with that idea, though.

So when she refused to listen to me, I said �Screw this, I�ve been trying to talk to you about this for a couple days and you keep doing this, I�m talking to Mom.�

So I went upstairs and yelled and cried and talked to Mommy.

It turned out okay, though.

She agreed with me that Rachel should still let me online, and she�s supposed to by 1. So that�s good.

And we faded off into other stuff, like family in general, with me admitting openly once again that I�m really not Christian at all, really, and it pisses me off a bit that people keep just assuming that I am.

And how I�m really looking forward to going to school so that I�m not constantly surrounded by family, and I really want to go to Italy so that I don�t have to do the �family thing� for Christmas again this year.

Let�s just remember how Christmas went last year, hmm? It caused my breakup with my boyfriend at the time, the effectively dearly departed Lenny, who still owes me a Christmas present, seven and a half months later. (And, at last count, seemed quite sure he was at some point going to get me this present. On the other hand, I still haven�t seen him since Valentine�s Day.)

I don�t think that most of my mother�s family has all that high an opinion of me, after that.

Also, I explained some of the reasons behind _why_ I want to go to Italy, meaning the whole deal with John-Boy and Heather getting handfasted.. And how I�d introduced them, so they really wanted me to be there.

Also, while I�d like one of my Christmas presents to be a plane ticket to Charleston so I can fly to Italy with John-Boy and Fenton so I�m not bored and/or hit on by some ugly guy I don�t know, I�d still be the one paying to send me to Italy.

Mom agreed that that made much more sense than me just saying �I wanna go to Italy for Christmas! Yay!�

In fact, assuming I manage to be able to pay for the Italy trip, they might even be cool with me going. And that�d be a good thing, right?

So anyway, I still have an hour to go before I can get online, and I�m really bored.

And the cats keep trying to go outside.

Which means that they keep coming in here and yelling at me to let them out, which I�m not gonna do because it�s too late at night.

When Pest decides it�s her turn, I�m probably going to go spastic / mental / completely crazy / something interesting in a similar vein.

See? Magic�s back in here crying again.

I wanna see if Mom�ll let me put her in the short wardrobe box, like I tried to do to Wills...

I don�t think she will, though.


0112 hours

Okay, so Mommy didn�t let me put the cat in the box.

And it took a little while extra for Rachel to give me the modem.

But �The Big Hit� or whatever it is with Mark Wahlberg is a really funny movie. :)

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