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2003-04-03, 12:02 a.m. : eeyuck

Greg lost his job.

*looks at what she just wrote*

One week earlier, he lost the job that he hadn't worked at since sometime in January.


I mean, he'd had two jobs, even though one of them wasn't worth crap as the new manager hated him for telling her off something like three years ago. And therefore never scheduled him.

But then today he got fired from his other job, I suppose because they felt the responsibility of answering police dispatch phone calls is really just too much for a mere 21-year old who's still in college.

Something like that.

Ah well... if we look on the bright side, he doesn't have to worry about 911 calls and he doesn't have to work on weekends. :)

See, there's a silver lining in all of this. Really.


I thought that perhaps I should try, once again, to get a job here.

But then I realized that I'm done with school in the middle of May, and that's just about six weeks away.

And chances are that whatever hypothetical business I applied to might not take it too kindly to have me work for four or five weeks and then go away for several months, but hey, it's okay, because I'll be coming back in the beginning of August... no?

Which has reminded me that I need to attempt to enroll online at BCCC.

So I go to the website.

Or at least I try to go to the website.

Then I go to Google to try to find the website.

I fail on all counts.

I think the damn thing is hiding from me, but it must be hiding from the rest of the world as well, because otherwise why the hell wouldn't Google be able to Google it?


On the other hand, I got an email from my teacher for tomorrow saying that there would not be class tomorrow.

This is no bad thing.

It means I don't have a class I actually have to think in until next Tuesday.


Oh, and I get to shoot an AK-47 on Monday, too.


Lizabet my Lizabet has had a headache for essentially all of March and what there is of April so far.

Unfortunately, apparently her father (read: insurance card holder) thinks chiropractors are quacks.

She needs a chiro and a masseuse, stat. I just told her.

Regardless of whether she agrees, it's true.


I miss my cat.

Therefore, tomorrow we're going job hunting.

*allows for necessary double-takes*

See, in order for me to have a cat, whether it be Wills or a new kitten (his health and the cost thereof will unfortunately be an important part of the deal), I need a place to put it.

Which means that it will be necessary, before the end of summer, to have arranged this.

At the moment, we're hoping that Greg will be able to put down a down payment on a fairly medium-to-large sized house, probably about three or four bedrooms.

Then we will also need roommates, which at the moment it seems likely would either be Josh and Rachel or Eva and Cheyne.

The problem with this is that Rachel is extremely allergic to cats, and the subject has barely been mentioned to Eva and Cheyne.

At any rate, in order to put down a down payment for a nice house in a decent-ish neighborhood (or out in the country, perhaps), Greg needs to have money.

And in order to have that amount of money he needs a job or three.

So Walmart and whatever the company is where his dad works and he's worked lawncare in the summer are places to visit tomorrow.

That, and my massage. Which is at noon.

I'm very much looking forward to it. Yay.

Just wish it was more than half an hour, I'm sure I could use all the time I could get...

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