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2003-03-15, 7:36 a.m. : a conversation with a Floridian

From a conversation I had earlier tonight:

Nick: i am alive and well just a little drunk right now

Lunziek: that's nice

Nick: how are you

Lunziek: not too bad...

Nick: we just celebrated my 21st b-day for the fifth time

Lunziek: *laughs*

Lunziek: Tonight?

Nick: yeah

Lunziek: No wonder you're drunk, celebrating your birthday five times in one night. ;)

Nick: i work at a bar so the guys that missed it bought me shots all night

Lunziek: sounds like you had fun

Nick: yeah i did


Lunziek: just a tidbit of note... more and more people are pissed off at Oger these days, it seems... I would be, but he doesn't deserve the attention

Nick: i don't care i told him i was sorry for the drama that i caused and you know the story behind my losing my dragon and what i did to save him, if he still wants to hate me ket him

Lunziek: it's not that, exactly...

Nick: but if he still wants to fight then when i return he can bring it and i will laugh in his face for my goddess has decided that he is not worth it and if he should challenge me then i will destroy him but i would rather just be civil about it and just come back to see my friends

Lunziek: I take it you've had a bit of a change in religion, then?

Nick: just a little ;)

Nick: i have my beliefs and have grown very powerful

Lunziek: oh do tell, I'd like some good news

Nick: Whey is dead

Nick: my dragon but through his sacrifice the god and goddess saw fit to create with the help of all of the dragons EVER BORN to create the mystic dragon

Nick: he is the leader of all dragons and answers to only the phoenix until maturity, which will come very soon

Nick: so that is good

Lunziek: certainly new and unusual...

Nick: very

Nick: it has never happened before a huge surprise to everyone

Lunziek: And I thought it was nifty that I accidentally met a bunch of pagans down here

Lunziek: I'd imagine so...

Nick: at birth he was as powerful as Whey

Nick: now he has matured and his powers are amazing

Nick: i wish only that the wielder of the mystic is strong of heart and will fight for good


Nick: so how have you been?

Lunziek: at loose ends, really

Nick: well something happened to me that would really piss Oger off

Lunziek: oh?

Nick: apparently *** is famous for his blade skill in Dagorhir

Lunziek: I suppose I can see that :)

Nick: i have had six requests from different units all over the country to come fight for them in nationals and the unit down here wants to hire me out

Nick: but i said no

Nick: i just think it is funny

Lunziek: Famous indeed, it would seem

Nick: until *** is reborn i can no longer fight in Dagorhir

Nick: i guess, but i am not as good as people say i am, you know stories, they get blown up even more each time told

Nick: silly people

Nick: if i go to Ragnarok it will be as an independent where i can compete as the wanderer against the enemies of ***

Nick: its all kinda crazy

Lunziek: yes, I know about stories, although I've never had any flattering ones told about me that I've heard of

Lunziek: there's a scene in a book in one of my favorite series, where a man kills a bandit because he has to, and by the time he gets to the city he's traveling to, it's been increased to thirty men and a dog

Nick: you were the first place of the newbies and a fantastic bard you don't give yourself enough credit, and more importantly a great friend


Lunziek: did you ever get a chance to read those books?

Nick: yes

Lunziek: were they any help?

Nick: where do you think my new "beliefs "came from?

Nick: yes

Nick: very much so

Lunziek: well, "hoped" may not quite be the word, but something like that?

Lunziek: I'd also recommend picking up "Urban Primitive" if you ever get a chance

Nick: k

Lunziek: There are some other good ones, but I don't know exactly where you're at

Lunziek: if you're going for Wicca, I'd say "Philosophy of Wicca" by Amber Laine Fisher is good

Nick: cool

Nick: reads it already

Lunziek: That's very nifty... I was one of the regulars on her board, but I've stopped going lately

Nick: that part of me will remain a mystery to all even me until the goddess sees fit to completely fill me in on my new powers with magic and dragons and my new name

Nick: good

Nick: lets just say all who thought Whey was powerful didn't know the meaning of power

Lunziek: you _could_ say that Whey was powerful... just not near so powerful as the new one.

Nick: Whey�s power is like a flame to a fire compared to my new friend

Nick: he is the son of whey and a descendent of the 2nd phoenix, an ancient with the power of a new born, and the knowledge of days un told. all dragons protect and look up to the new born dragon that is i

Nick: an all dragons follow him into battle

Lunziek: that will be handy when you get sent out

Nick: goodnight beth and greg, sleep well for dragons will watch you for you are friends

Lunziek: he's not here, but I'll let him know

Lunziek: sleep sweet, Nick

Nick: if you see a dark elf in a silver cloak watching you look for my symbol for it is me checking in

Lunziek: I'll keep that in mind :)

Nick: night one of my truest friends i miss you all and just so you know, dragons will always fly at my back, but yours as well

Lunziek: *hugs*

Nick: you to

Lunziek: g'night



It's a strange thing, when you talk to a friend you haven't talked to for a while, and find out that they think of you as a better friend than you realized.

It's also strange to realize that you could have enough power over someone's opinion that they'd change their religion after you lent them a few books.

(I don't know if I'll ever get the three books in question back. I think I might actually prefer it if he passed them on to somebody else who'd benefit from them.)

Obviously, that wasn't the entire conversation, which took place this morning from a little before 3 to a little after 3:20. (I didn't realize until just now, checking the log again, that that entire conversation - nearly 1500 words all told - took place in only about twenty-five minutes. Wow.) Also, some details in the conversation have been changed so that the evil gremlin who probably reads my diary won't be able to spam poor Nick. :)

Kind of amazing to realize you can change somebody's life, you know?


So I ended up staying up all night to clean my room. It looks good for the first time all semester, so I think it was worth it... plus I slept from about 2 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon yesterday, so I can probably deal.

Actually, I think it works out to where I slept until 7... because I napped with Greg. Because he'd had a bad night and I felt that he needed company, even though that meant he didn't really get much sleep. ;)

Anyway, I'm not all that sleepy right now.

Although the cleanliness demon and/or Mr Clean have possessed me enough that I'm at the edge of dismantling the beds, unplugging the computer, and moving absolutely everything out of the room or into the closets and sweeping out every corner and mopping.

But I'm too lazy to actually do that.

Maybe at the end of the semester... *grins and winks*


Something I felt like mentioning, looking at that last sentence and remembering something...

I never get good diary reviews.

I guess mainly because I normally want the ego boost when I'm feeling low, and when I'm feeling low my diary is full of crappy entries.

At any rate, if anybody who reads this can think of a diary reviewer who will love my diary and give me a wonderful review, let me know... I'll keep them linked and everything.

But I don't want somebody who gives everybody good reviews, because then it's worthless.

Just... somebody who could take the time and say that I actually have something here.

If you look at my last entry, I guess you can see that maybe I still need the ego boost...

Somebody boost my ego, dammit! I'm fragile!!! *bursts into cybertears*

*decides that that's enough whining for the weekend*

*is glad she's got it out of her system already*

*looks around at her clean room, and outside at the bright morning that's just on the verge of too-bright but hey, it's a northeast facing window so the sun never quite shines into the room...*

*stops talking in asterisks and changes the subject, now that's she's totally forgotten what it was*


Right then... conversation, sleep, clean, bitch. I think that's what we're up to so far.

*takes a break to go refill two of the water jugs*



Sorry for the distractions and all... but MST3K is playing.

And go figure, it's the one with "Time Chasers" when Mike accidentally gets replaced with his older brother...

The one that Ilse had taped the beginning of (after "The Mole People", a really good episode), and then the tape died in the middle.

That, and MTV is showing something with some chick who wants to be a model.

Hell, at least I'm not watching Fraternity Life / Sorority Life...

*goes to watch MST3K*

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