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2002-08-02, 12:12 a.m. : I really can't remember what I wrote about in here.

It has come to my attention that I am a lazy bum.

Not that this should surprise anybody, I guess.

It�s true, though. I am a lazy bum.

Wanna know how I know?

I went to be last night at a little bit after 6. I woke up at a little bit after 12, when the phone rang.

So I took a shower so that I�m all clean and smooth and stuff.

And I came downstairs, at a quarter to one, actually before my sister�d come upstairs, and asked Daddy for the modem when he was done, and I came in here, laid down on the couch, started up my music, and slept another four hours.

At which time, two hours ago, Rachel came in here and asked if she could go ahead and have the modem when Daddy was done with it, and then give it to me tonight again.

I said �Oh, fine, why not...�

(See, he�d been playing EverCrack. And he�d died. So his guild was busy trying to rescue him and stuff. And it had taken him quite a bit longer than he�d thought, since he died and everything. I mean, when you�re a shaman over level 50 [yes, he plays this too much in my opinion *grins*], you�re not supposed to die, so when you do, I guess you�re entitled to stay online till you revive yourself...?)

Anyway, sometime between then and now she got online, and hopefully I�ll get the modem by about 11, instead of, say, 1:30, which is what 11 turned into last night. >.<

In other news...

I can�t remember if I dreamed anything last night, but I do know that when I woke up with the phone ringing I could have sworn there was a turkey outside my window I was about to throw something at.

In other other news...

Fenton, I apologize for the slightly accusatory and perhaps insulting tenor of my last post.

Yes, Becca and Lizabet, I did catch hold of him finally last night. And immediately got back online (well, within five minutes of having gotten off) and Becca, you were already gone! For shame, or something!

In other other other news...

Jonny Lang kicks ass. So do Seven Nations. Thanks, Meg!

In other other other other news....

I�m really bored. Why the heck do you think I�m writing a diary post at 6:00 pm when I�m not going to be online for another five hours at least? I mean, I have so little to do, either I�m going to go back to sleep which while perhaps fun, is perhaps not the wisest course of action since I just _know_ I�ll have some really fucked up dreams, or else I�ll have to actually do work or something.

Actually, I should do that anyway, at least pack up my bedding and change my sheets on my bed too.



6:15 pm

Apparently three sets of twin-sized sheets, one electric blanket, several assorted pillowcases, two twin-sized comforters, and one really big and very comfy knit blanket can almost fit in two book boxes.


The one is gaping a little bit... *grins*

Here�s a question for you: Why do they call them �twin�-sized? Lizabet? Becca? Any ideas?

Anybody else have any ideas, for that matter?

I�m still bored.


9:50 pm

Once again, here I am, watching Moulin Rouge, and I looked up at just exactly the right/wrong time during the �Like A Virgin� sequence.

I�d forgotten all about the jello boobies. Hee hee.


10:50 pm

Wow... that movie always makes me cry, if I actually let myself watch the whole thing...

Twice, even. Once when she convinces him she doesn�t love him, and then there at the end when she dies.

I mean, if I were watching it, I could watch through to the finale and I�d be fine as long as I stopped it the instant the curtain fell, before she dies. But I�m just silly that way, I guess.

Now, let�s see if we�ll have any luck convincing Rachel to give me the modem within the next ten minutes, or failing that, the phone....


11:20 pm


Nevermind that I asked, at four o�clock in the afternoon, for the modem at 11. No, that�s not important...

Because Rachel, who has had the modem since sometime between 4 and 5, needs to keep it until midnight, because (while this may not, perhaps, be the reason in her own mind, it�s the only one evident to me) she�s an evil and psychotic bitch who insists on having her own way no matter what, without any explanation or recompense.



12:10 am

Yay! I�m finally online!

But I�m lazy and I have almost 90 emails to go through, so y�all�ll still have to wait for me to post this. *grins*


12:12 am

Except that Hotmail sucks.

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