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2002-08-04, 11:09 p.m. : I am not!

2250 hours

Hee hee! That movie rocks!

Like I said, I just watched Run Lola Run. Or at least I think I just said that.

It�s really good, anyway.

I want her hair, only mine and at least as long as mine is right now instead of the shaggy-but-short look she�s got going.

It fits her fine, and all that, but I just want her haircolor. *grins*

On a down note, apparently I ate more eggs here recently than I thought, or else something else decided to act up (I�m gonna blame KFC, I guess) because once again, after not having done this for a very long time, I�m burping sulfur.

Yes, it�s just entirely as pleasant as it sounds, at least.

Oh, and I�ve got a pounding headache to boot.

But hey! I�ll be online in about another ten minutes! Yay! *skips about happily*

I think Becca thinks I�m crazy. But she likes me.

And John-Boy thinks Lizabet, who he�s dubbed Liz, is now a new fan.

Not quite the same caliber as I was, and all that... *laughs at this joke that nobody but him and possibly Lizabet and/or Heather will get*

(Unless he told a bunch of people who happen to read this. In which case they�ll maybe get it.)


Anyway, in case I haven�t said it (my mind has melted so I can�t be sure) Rachel and Donna have set off, into the wild blue yonder and all that.

Actually, they left a while ago, around 7 I guess. I dunno. I can�t remember? *looks innocent*

I kinda wish I was going. As has been said in the past. I mean, if I went, I�d get to see David and Kat and I could talk John-Boy and Fenton into coming to see me.

Since they�re probably not going to do that with me all the way out here in Kansas instead of over in Kentucky.

On the other hand, I think it�d be funnier �n hell if they came right now, right here, while Rachel was in Kentucky.

I think she�d be rather royally pissed off at that, truth be told. I suppose she wants her some of that grand ole John-Boy love too, if he�s going to come over here and share it, right? *grins*


(You know the whole deal with me rubbing my neck and all that? Right now, it really hurts, and me trying at it isn�t helping so much. Any chance you�ll come over and rub it for me?)


RedQueenMeg, I just want you to know I agree with you on your appraisal of Jonny Lang. Meow, indeed. :)


Will all the gods please, please, pretty pretty please damn this headache of mine to the nether regions of the most painful sections of their respective underworlds? Pretty please?


Now I really feel proud. I �splained to Becca about peaches today, too.

She said that that was a very interesting mental image. And �maybe� she�d be thinking about that for a while.

I asked her if she didn�t instead mean �Maaaaayyybee� and she said �Well, maybe.�

*giggles like a little Catholic schoolgirl*

Er... no, wait, I don�t do that.

It wasn�t me.

It must�ve been somebody else.


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