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2002-10-17, 1:58 a.m. : so it started out as an email to somebody else... so sue me

Sometimes, when you've cried your eyes out for a week and a half, you wake up one morning after a very good night's sleep (as in, yes, you slept through all your classes) and the world is a different place.

You don't know if it's a good place or not. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, you can't tell yet.

But it feels as though there was a big rainstorm in the night, and everything's been washed clean.

There are nothing but possibilities before you.

Maybe, in some cases, there are possibilities you don't want to explore.

Maybe, in some cases, there were possibilities you wish you could explore, but they're not there anymore.

As much as I don't like country music, I'm going to quote a country song briefly.

"When you hit rock bottom, you got two ways to go: straight up, or sideways."

When you've bottomed out, you can't get down any further.


As some of you may know, I have often said that I am completely mad, somewhat crazy, and not insane.

This is no longer the case.

I think I went around the bend today, and I'm now completely crazy.

Still not insane (yet) though.

What's my proof?

I dunno.

I'm not upset, and theoretically speaking I should be.

It took me five minutes to stop laughing at final dress rehearsal tonight, and absolutely nothing funny had happened to start me off.

I think that's what's happened, and since I can't really see any way to stop or change it, and it hasn't hurt me yet, I don't really mind much.

This might also be proof, I'm not sure.


I ran into Louie at Walmart tonight, after rehearsal.

I'd gone to get fabric to make sword covers, since Altair is next weekend and my swords will need them some covers.

I couldn't resist the temptation of buying red-and-green plaid, since it's a red-class weapon and I'm going to put a thrusting tip on it (making it green-class as well).

Walking over towards Electronics I saw Louie.

So I ran over and gave him a hug and started catching up with what's been going on since the Althing (May 12th-ish), the last time I'd seen him.

Turns out quite a bit has been... he's just lately gotten back in with fighting, and is authorized (I think he had been, but he still is even if he wasn't). All the nifty helmets like Caelin's are in, and look supremely badass. He and Buster are working in his PI business (Cerberus Securities, Inc), which is run out of the same office as Caelin's MR business.

In point of fact, tomorrow afternoon Wolfie and Bjorn (aka Buster and Louie) are going to be in the office, working on weapons and the like.

You know something interesting?

My play (opening night is tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it... I figure, if somebody tells me to break a leg, I can start looking for Andy) is in Memorial Auditorium.

That's on Fifth Street, a block away from Broadway. (They intersect.)

Haven and Cerberus are run out of an office on Fifth Street. West of Broadway.

As in, about a half block away from where I've been all week.

So... in other words, tomorrow after my 2-4 class, Oger's going to drop me off there, and I'm going to hang out with them for a while and maybe get my rattan swords from Wolfie and maybe find out how they make axes, because I really would like to go florentine with axes...

And then I'll be right there for the play. I'm supposed to be there at 6:45. Doors open at 7:30, curtain is at 8.

If you're in the area and planning to come, you know. :)


I wrote several letters last Thursday and last Sunday. None of them have been mailed.

Why? Well, because Heather's disappeared (which ticks me off no end, because I'd put a picture in there too), and Echo's envelope went missing, and I've been too damn lazy to even remember where the other two are, and re-address an envelope to Echo or just go over to Oger's room, which is where it turned up.

Sad, I know.


I got a statement from University Housing for November 1st. Says my balance is $-149.65. Seeing as how they applied my loan to my housing account (something we hadn't wanted them to do), even though I have an almost-$100 phone bill ($99.71... if I'd gotten to $100, they would have shut off my code), I'm still going to get a refund check.

I think.

Or else the balance will just carry over, and Mom and Dad will only have to pay a $350 bill for December. I dunno.

Either way, though, my phone bill has apparently been paid... I think. I'm not sure. I need to remember to go in to Information Systems tomorrow and ask them if I'm good to go or if I'm supposed to wait till November to make any more calls.

At any rate, I believe the appropriate word is "Whee!"



If you don't know, Wednesday night (you know, like, now) is Drinking / Party Night here in Pitt.

So... some drunk guy just stuck his head into my hall and said "Come out and play, cuties!"

It's only 2.15 am here now... I'm still wide awake... my door is open.

I've got Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin singing a live version of Stairway to Heaven playing.

So it took me a minute to process what he'd said.

Curiousity got the better of me, I admit... so I got up, walked over to the active stairway, and stuck my head _out_ of my hall and said "Yeah... and how drunk are you?"

I didn't get an answer, though.


Now... Lizabet just needs to get online.

I mean seriously.

It's twenty after, she said she was done working at 2.

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