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2002-01-06, 4:46 p.m. : October 2001

Warning: The following entry is prolly gonna be full of rants. You have been warned, so read on at your own damn peril/risk/whatever.

My throat hurts. It has all day. This is pissing me off... if I'm getting sick, this is a horrible time. Why couldn't this be happening a month from now? I've got a college visit trip in two weeks, and Neewollah after that... I need to not be sick. >.<

Meh... John-Boy just got off... he forgot to say goodnight, so I had to chase him. :)

Anyway... why does choosing a college have to be so complicated? I've had my heart "set" on probably at least five or six, in the last two years or so... first we had Amherst, in MA, then Scripps of the Claremont Colleges in California, and Reed in Portland, Oregon, and then I decided that I wanted to be an engineer so I threw them all out and said I'd go with KU, Cornell, Virginia Polytechnic (VPI), or Harvey Mudd, which is actually another Claremont College. (There's five of the little buggers.) And then I figured out that no, I don't in actual fact want to be an engineer, because I like languages, not large sweaty men named things like "Biff" who I'd have to boss around. So now I'm looking at other schools, and coming up with KU still, Tulane in New Orleans, VPI maybe still, because they have languages, but really it's an engineering school so then again maybe not. Also William and Mary, because Aunt Janet went there and she turned out relatively sane, compared to the rest of the family anyway... and a school or two in Richmond VA and one in Charlottesville, VA. Yes, I like the idea of Virginia. I have roots there, dammit!

Wow, that looks like it's long... probably not from where you're sitting, though. Ah well. That's what you get when the final appearance of this text is what, two or three times wider than the little box I'm typing it into.

Magic is sitting on my lap. She has been for the last fifteen minutes at least. She makes for a very effective lapwarmer, she's certainly big enough... but she just farted. >.< Dammit! And it smells disconcertingly like pumpkin seeds... huh.

I'm going to make a rosary fairly soon. Don't ask, you don't want to know the story, do you, Julie... you don't like it when I tell stories. :(

Anyway, it's going to have little bells on it. Hey, I never said it was going to be a traditional rosary, did I?

I have two tests on Wednesday, and they're both for real subjects, too, Physics and PreCalc. Dammit.

I just realized, I've been saying "dammit" a lot tonight... hmm.

Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit! There! Twenty-seven "dammits" (twenty-eight including that one, you know) for your viewing pleasure. All hand-typed, too, I'll have you know. ;)

Tee. Hee. Hee...

I had an interesting conversation earlier, with a guy, about how I don't have a boyfriend and it's actually starting to annoy me. He said "Why not give them up? Girls are prettier and they smell nicer." I said I didn't see it happening, despite the report I received earlier today about some rumors in years past that I had. (False rumors. Duh.) Besides, the other Bethany, except that she's actually Bethanie, has already taken that spot, from what I've heard....

I don't know what I'm babbling about, anymore. Ah well, what else is new, right?

My back hurts, my neck hurts, my family life sucks, I don't have friends, and I'm lonely. But none of that is new, either...

Blecch. I'd hoped this entry would be upbeat. Ah well. It's too late to save it... I've been writing it for twenty minutes, and listening to Semisonic doesn't cheer me up, it makes me lonely. Can't stop, though...


Why do we fall in love?

Why is this horrible wrenching pain worth it?

Why in God�s name, whichever god�s name, do we put ourselves through this agony?


I think I�m falling in love. Damn the internet. Damn me, for not knowing myself. Damn society for being cruel. Damn the schools for being stupid and taking so long�

I don�t know what the future holds. I don�t know if I want to know. I think it would be a horrible responsibility, and I can�t even take the responsibility of finishing my homework for French class. And it�s not even hard�

Tarot cards, runes, what do they do? I don�t know. There are many things in this world, of this world, and out of this world that I don�t know.

But I do know this: Love may be the most beautiful, ecstatic element of this earth, but that only means one thing.

Not having it makes the world a living hell� and being Sweet Sixteen and Never Been Kissed doesn�t help a damn bit.

On another note, I'm really looking forward to seeing Harry Potter...


I'm tired...

But more than that I'm sad... even dyeing my hair again last night (once again, my favorite dark red... yay) isn't making me happy any more today...

Maybe it's the moon... that must be it, I'm suffering from tides... *rolls eyes*

I think if it is the moon, it's because it's starting to wane... to die. Much like what little social life I have...

Tonight is Homecoming. If I cared, in half an hour or so I could go try to track down where the dance is... I could see Daniel dressed up like SNL's The Ladies Man... but I already have, so why should I? It's a ripoff, too... if I dressed in 80's style clothing, it's $3.50, and without that it's more like $5... if I wanted to spend $5 I'd go see a movie.

Yes, I know it costs more than $5 to go see a movie! >.<

I should be happy. I really should. I got a good grade on my Physics test, I got a 96% (!) on my Precalc test and I've got an 85% overall in the class, which is pretty good considering that the first month or so everything I did was turned in late and I got a D on the first test...

But I'm not... I can tell I'm not, because I wasn't even going to write this much. I was only going to say "I'm tired, and I'm sad, and why won't anybody cheer me up?"

You know what the real problem is? Society. That's the root cause of every problem we suffer. Society, and its presumptions and expectations. I'm sixteen years old, a senior in high school; I'm supposed to be happy and popular and have a boyfriend, and probably know where I want to go to college and what I want to do with my life.

Guess how much of that is accurate?

10 brownie points to the first person to correctly guess "None at ALL!"

Bravo... *rolls eyes*

Yesterday was my mother's birthday. I won't say how old, because there is a small chance that at some point she'll find this diary and look through all the archives and find this, and then when I said her age she'd track me down and hit me upside the back of the head.

Suffice it to say, she isn't in her twenties... which should be obvious anyway, right?

Anyway, yesterday was Mom's birthday, and I haven't gotten her a present. Two reasons: One, I don't have any money, and two, I didn't get her a gift. >.< I'm going to, at some point, when she isn't expecting it any more... or at least that's the plan, right?

I think I had an actual constructive point with the whole "yesterday was Mom's birthday" storyline, but hell if I can remember...

I think that the real problem that I need to solve right now is my happiness. I was happy earlier today, I know... I had several amusing conversations, and I felt like I had friends. But now... none of them are seeking me out, and why should they? It's not like they don't have other things to do... Arthur is going to Topeka to visit his grandmother for moral support... she's getting an operation, I don't really know what. And everybody else, I don't hardly know them... not that I particularly know Arthur, but he was the last one I was talking with in school today.

Ach... I just need a life, that's all. Anybody have one to spare? Or for sale?



Yesterday was Jammies Day at school.

Okay, so they didn't call it that, but it's not my fault, is it? No! They had to be all staid and call it Pajama Day...

Today was Twin Day. I think that Sally and Tabor were dressed as twins... and the entire soccer team was wearing those bright orange shirts... other than that, I didn't see any "twins".

I dressed the same as Skippy.* :)

I also didn't do much of any work today... that isn't quite true. I did work in Ceramics... my runes'll probably be out on Thursday! Yay! They're going into the bisque kiln today, which may in fact have already started burning. I don't know. That's allowed, though... and I "worked" in Physics class.

Physics: We've started on water rockets. Yay. :) And I'm paired up with Julie's Logan... and watch her smack me when she reads this... ah well... Anyway, Logan and I are teamed up, and we're supposed to design a rocket (at least one... maybe two or three... *cue evil laughter, mwahahaha*). The one we've started is in two pieces: the main one, which the water'll go in, and is the actually functional part, and the second half, which has the tip and will also have little Army men parachuting out once the two halves separate... heh heh :)

I think that we should probably make a second one like Rachel's White Wind, because that was the best rocket that Smith had last year, and hey, there's nothing wrong with flattery... and besides, it was the best rocket that Smith had last year. :)

And a third one would be nice, too... one with a small timed explosion... *cue evil laughter, hehhehhehheh* or at least something flashy, pointless, really cool looking, and, and, yeah...

You know something? "Hehhehhehheh" is really trippy when you look at it on this computer screen... hmmm...

So then I had Precalc, and I didn't do a damn thing... shame on me, I know, but I just really wasn't in the mood... I should have done it anyway, seeing as how I'm going to New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania next week to look at colleges... ah well.... Anyway, in Precalc Arthur had a really bad headache, but then the storm broke so he got over it... we both wanted to go outside and play in the "torrential downpours" but Mz Willis wouldn't let us. I don't think she actually heard us asking, but even so, I don't think she'd let us.

So then I walked (through the pouring rain) to Roy's car, which was parked all the way in the boonies, and waited for a long time. Got bored, so I read, and then realized that it was already 3:30 and nobody was coming outside... so I went back inside (through the pouring rain, again) and got a free movie pass from Mrs Be (as in, Mrs Spencer who's obsessed with "to be" verbs, to the point of outlawing them and "to have" verbs, which I think is just plain stupid... but then, I know how to write sentences *rolls eyes*), since she deals with Renaissance (a funny thing: here, instead of meaning "rebirth of classical lifestyles etc.", Renaissance means crappy prizes you get for getting good grades). And then I found Roy outside Mrs Shepard's classroom, doing Media stuff. He kept on for the next hour, too...

Meaning that I only got home a little bit over an hour ago, and since I've spent the last 15 minutes or so writing this, I'm going to stop with this final word:

I spent all weekend playing Final Fantasy IX. It's fun. It's confusing. I'm in Pandemonium, and I have no freaking clue what the solution for the stupid generator maze is... oy...

And here's a "break a leg" to John-Boy, because he's in a play on Thursday night and he's the main character.


Aw damn, I forgot about my dream... and I probably ought to write it down, or else I'll forget it. >.<

So... I'm at I think the MTV Movie Awards, and "Best Comedic Performance" comes up, and they've decided to do some sort of audience participation thingie. And I'm the audience member they pick. It was cool. I won! Heh heh... rather, I didn't win anything, but they loved me. It was great. There was major applause. :)

Then, Mom and I are biking from NYC to Albany, and we stop at a Burger King and Mom says it'll be another three hours, so I say I want to get some food. And Billy Crystal holds the door for me, going in to a crappy BK near this disgusting oily parking garage on the interstate... anyway, he says to me that I did a really good job on the awards show. :)

Then I'm working at some computer magazine, and my friend Patrick also works there, and I think that Rachel was working there, too... anyway, I'm really an industrial sabotagist, and I decide that I'll upload a small virus to the mainframe to see what it'll do. It's only supposed to change three minor lines of code... and without mutating or anything, it completely crashes the entire system. I was rather shocked, seeing as how I hadn't planned on having it do that. So the "boss" comes in, ranting and raving, telling everyone to get back to work and all that.

Anyway, it was my first day on the job, so I didn't have anything assigned to me yet, so I decide to write an article about how corporations are susceptible to viruses. And I'm going to get the information for my study by uploading more and more viruses (viri? whatever) to the computers. Rachel and Patrick are somewhat upset at this, and they try to talk me out of it. So we all get in this white car and go to Patrick's house, which is out in the country, and one other guy is there too. (Don't remember who he was, though.) Basically the moment we get there, though, it's time to go, so we turn around and come back.

Somehow, though, we ended up at some strange mall/hotel place, with these horizontal elevators that are essentially very nicely appointed rooms with comfy couches and a whole hell of a lot of miny alcoholic drinks... as in, an entire wall full of them. Patrick was picking some of them up, too, until we realized that they were alcoholic... then I think he put them back.

Anyway, that's about when I woke up, and seeing as how the storm is on its way back, I'm gonna go away... seeing as how I've just written for another fifteen minutes.


*=Geez, have you never heard of Evil Twin Skippy? Good grief... *rolls eyes*


Okay, so, yeah...

I'm in New York. Albany, to be specific. At my grandmother's, to be more specific.

If you want details on the trip, either email me and tell me so (hit the little "contact me" button what's at the bottom of the page) or else wait a week till I get back and I've finished all my Precalc homework that I'll have to do.

In the meantime, I need to make notes over Union and SUNY Albany.


Really friendly atmosphere. Nice folks; Professor Scullion, chair of the Classics department, seems very well informed/smart/what have you. Average of 5.8 Classics majors graduating a year; basically a tailored curriculum based on the student's progress. Probably expensive, but likely scholarships because they don't have many Kansans enrolling, and certainly not from Small Town, KS, USA. Student life: Zillions of clubs (typical, I suppose), yes there are fraternities/sororities but that's not the only thing on campus, a vestigial attitude of "hail fellow well met"/"hey buddy, how ya doing?" that is fading away, as is the country club mentality.

All in all, seems to be a very nice school, very pretty buildings... Damn it, I'm an architecture slut, aren't I... >.< Anyway... pretty, friendly, good program, and I liked it.

SUNY Albany:

Old, aging department. The youngest guy on the Classics staff was at least in his sixties. They have 1st year Greek and after that you can cross-register at Union if you want to keep going, because they don't have the staff to teach upper levels. I can't do what Dad did and get a minor in Greek, certainly... Other than that: The campus isn't all that pretty, being mainly concrete symmetry; however, with a new science library and a Life Sciences building under construction, the symmetry is fading away. Not as safe a campus; much larger class size; graduate students, meaning that some classes'll probably be taught by them. (I don't think Union has grad students... they only have like 2000 students total.) Albany has about 17000 to 19000 students total, with 12 to 14 thousand undergrads.

If I were to go to Albany, I don't think I'd stay with the Classics department. Its main strength is archaeology, whereas my main interest is languages/literature and probably teaching.

However, I could go there for basically the cost of books, what with all the scholarships they were practically throwing at me...

Tomorrow we go see Skidmore and Middlebury, and then Thursday we get to hit up Bryn Mawr to see what we shall see.

I'm tired, and I've got to go through the forums at Momma's to see what's been going on...

Not to mention Avalon. That reminds me... I never did ask Prof. Scullion if he was a Leafs fan... :) (Note: Avalon's author is not a Leafs fan. It's a hockey thing. Scullion is Canadian, from Toronto, as are the Leafs, and he had two hockey sticks in his office.)

I'm gone! I'll maybe update again tomorrow, and maybe it'll wait till Friday... who knows?


Heh... I'm in love... :)

With Middlebury, so don't be getting any ideas... ;)

I got home really early today. I went cruising for a bit with Greg and Rachel. I went to see "Bandits" and used up my free movie pass, and it was worth it because it's a really good movie.

And I'm really tired, so I'm going to go to bed. I just hope Rachel gets in soon, because I want to lock up and I don't really want to shut her out...


Stupid damn computer...

I hate it sometimes. It needs to be reformatted, but I need to get a lot of CD-Rs first so that I can save all the songs I like. And then maybe it won't look/act like this.


I went up to Manhattan today. I got to see Rachel's dorm room, meet Heather, and then drive back for another four hours... it's a long trip, and we didn't stay very long, but Rachel, I promise/threaten that at some point I'll come up and stay for a weekend. :D

I've been watching lots of Monkees episodes... and pretty soon I'm going to watch "Daydream Believers". Really... I promise...

Donna has decided that the lead singer from "Sum 41" looks like Micky Dolenz from the first season. I think I can see where she got that, but personally I think he (the guy, not MD) looks more like "Ryan" from "Whatever It Takes". What do you think?

On the way back, while it was still light, I read "Good Omens" out loud. That's one of my favorite books. Maybe the favorite... and that's really saying something...

We almost stopped at a strip club by accident, too... :)

And I love my new Mom... Anita is great. :) She gave me a backrub/head massage/etc. :)

So anyway... I got to see Rachel's dorm room, and that was kinda cool. And it reminded me of the Middlebury and Bryn Mawr dorms, because they were all different. KSU's were fairly small, seemed to only have one closet (they might have been next to each other, I can't recall), and the beds were oddly raised. Jenn's is about four feet off the floor, and she's got four drawers under it, and Rachel's is closer to 6' and her desk is under it. Heather's room, on the other hand, has the beds stacked, and I can't help but think that there is no room to sit up on either of them...

Middlebury: Freshman dorm, I think it was maybe a bit bigger, originally at least. The beds were stacked, and they didn't have the big storage thingie under them, but there were dressers and closets and desks and stuff, so that's all right. And the two guys in the dorm decided they had enough room to bring in a couch and a chair or two. (No kidding.) They were right, too... we managed to cram in about ten people from the tour without sitting/standing on each other, too. Admittedly, once we'd done that, there wasn't room to do a damn thing else, but hey, who's counting? :) --- Sophomore dorm: A girls' room, it was actually in a suite of three dorms that had at least one room with a pair of guys in it. (One of the guys in that room was our tour guide, Todd. His roommate was asleep, so he got his suitemate to show off her dorm.) It was bigger; the beds were layed out like this: |==||==| under the windows. (If I'm really lucky, that'll look right, too...) There were closets with, like real doors and everything, too... :) Ah well, I'm getting goofy now...

Bryn Mawr: We saw a freshman double, a sophomore single, and a senior single (the guide's room). The double looked a lot like Middlebury's sophomore, except that it was in a basement and so it was sorta claustrophobic, it didn't have any natural light in it, and it didn't have the view of the Green Mountains (pretty!!). So it wasn't as good, although the dimensions were probably similar. The soph. single was small... probably 8' square at the outside. And it was in the basement, too. But the girl had decorated it with playbills and prints and stuff like that, so it was kinda cool. But small. Liz (the tour guide) showed us her single, too. It was about the same size, but it looked so much different... for one thing, it had probably three or four Gothic-looking castle-ish windows, and a window seat/shelf running the length of it. It had a view, too. But it was still small... and I don't think the view was as good. Plus, Bryn Mawr has a really weird policy when it comes to roommates. For one thing, you don't have to have one (this could be a good thing, however, so that's not the weird part). What is, is this: If for some reason you can't get along with your roomie, you can apply to change out. And so they put you in a single. For the rest of the year. And your roomie gets to keep your room, too. This doesn't seem logical to me, somehow...

And here's an offering to Mercury, because he's the closest thing to a patron deity of travelers I'd thought of at the time, because I got back from that huge-ass trip without dying, getting tickets, or anything like that.

I can't think of anything else to add.


Note to whoever may care: Neewollah has come to town, and I am planning to spend as much time as I may hanging around the food booths or the carnival. So if you wanted to talk to me, send me an email at [email protected] or else just wait... I'll be back by Sunday.

Au revoir, mon amis.


Well. I've got something to say.

Yesterday, at the craft fair for Neewollah, I saw a Tshirt that said "Wanted: Osama bin Laden, Dead or Alive" with the "or alive" bit crossed out. This is not the way to do this.

If we want to win, which presumably we do, then we have to be stronger than ObL. If all we do is send in assassins to kill him, or whatever, then he wins. He'll be a martyr. This is not what we want.

Yes, personally, I feel that ObL, if not guilty of the Sept. 11 attacks, is guilty of other terrorist acts against us. And for this, he should be put on trial and probably killed. But it has to be a fair trial. And there has to be a trial. Because if there isn't, then we'll be the bad guys, because we didn't give himself a chance to defend himself. (I mean, really, if he's in a court, his past actions will speak against him anyway, and he'll be guilty, especially if he goes on as he has done. But we have to give him the chance.)

Our country prides itself on the rights it gives people. On the freedoms. Etc., etc., etc. But unless we grant those freedoms yea even to our enemies, then they aren't really there. If we want to truly defeat Osama bin Laden, then we need to capture him, and give him a fair trial (probably with the UN's help), and with all due pomp, circumstance, and heeding of regulations, sentence him for his crimes.

Because just killing him in the dark won't win anything for us.


Hee hee... I flirted/made friends with a guy for two and a half hours today. I laughed a lot. :) He's really rather cute, too. Tall, dark hair, goatee, green eyes; he'd make a good Puck, too, if he could act (I don't know). He likes British humor, music you can hear the words to, the SCA, and he doesn't like rap. :) The only problems I have with him are these: 1. He's 23, almost 24. That's a touch old at the moment. 2. He smokes. But hey, that could change. ;) 3. He likes country music. But at least not the twangy stuff, and I can stand most anything else. 4. He has weird teeth. Kinda crooked, a lot like Dad's, but hey, it's really just personality, right? And it's not as bad as this one guy I saw yesterday at Neewollah. (Yecch.)

Sample conversation:

Me: Let's do the vote by populace. A democracy.

Him: Democracy is overrated.

Me: No, see, true democracy would work. But we don't have one, which is why it sucks.

Him: No, we don't need a democracy. We need a dictatorship. One man, in charge - ME!

Me: Oh really?

Him: Yeah, and if you don't like it, you can be boiled in acid!

Me: Isn't that overkill?

Him: No, because you'd have squirrels nibbling your butt.

Me: Oh okay then?

Him: Yeah.

Me: But still... you could be boiled, or you could be put in acid, but would you really need both?

Him: Would you rather be baked in acid?

Me: Wouldn't it be likelier to be baked on acid?

Him: I don't know, I don't do drugs.

Me: Yeah, me neither.

Him: Heh. That's another point for you in my book.

Me: :)

And then there was the whole thing with me telling him about Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and the Four Bikepersons of the Apocalypse, seeing as how instead of horses they're riding motorcycles, and War is a woman... his expression was amusing. Quote: "That's my kind of woman!"

I heard about how he doesn't have a motorcycle at the moment, because his last one kissed a telephone pole because of a deer. Picture this: Driving down the highway at 85, deer wanders out into the street about twenty feet away... "Oh shit" and jumps off the bike, watches the deer get out of the way and the bike veer to the side of the road... and ker-runch.

Heh. He had throwing knives with him. I liked them. They were pretty. They were also cheap and crappy, mismatched, and made in Pakistan, but they were pretty. :)

His name is Lenny. No relation to Lenny Kravitz, however, which is actually probably all to the best. He lives in Pittsburg, he's a waiter who makes actually decent money, and he gets $10 a head for bounced checks. (He tracks the errant customers down for his boss.)

Anyway... on another note, my kitty is sick, it's very upsetting and I miss him, and hopefully he'll be better and I'll get to pick him up tomorrow.

And on another other note, I have about four chapters of Precalc overdue and I need to get to work. It's a good thing that Willis is going to be gone tomorrow, because otherwise I wouldn't have the time to work on them that I know I shall need. It's a good thing that Arthur's confused his head into getting early... it means that he's got about three chapters for me to copy from. :)

Hee hee... I had fun today... And I just remembered, I got a new necklace yesterday at Neewollah. When I post it at Momma's, I'll try to remember to post the link.

Oh, and here's today gratuitous link, not as though there's anyone here who won't have already heard me talk about it... with the possible exception of Meg, if she still reads this.



Call and Answer

by Barenaked Ladies, words and music by Stephen Duffy & Steven Page

I think it's getting to the point

where I can be myself again

I think it's getting to the point

where we have almost made amends

I think it's the getting to the point

that is the hardest part.

And if you call, I will answer

and if you fall, I'll pick you up

and if you court this disaster

I'll point you home

You think I only think about you

when we're both in the same room

You think I'm only here to witness

the remains of love exhumed

You think we're here to play

a game of who loves more than whom

And if you call, I will answer

and if you fall, I'll pick you up

and if you court this disaster

I'll point you home

You think it's only fair to do what's

best for you and you alone

You think it's only fair to do the same

to me when you're not home

I think it's time to make this something that is

more than only fair

So if you call, I will answer

and if you fall, I'll pick you up

and if you court this disaster

I'll point you home.

But I'm warning you, don't ever do

those crazy, messed up things that you do

If you ever do

I promise you I'll be the first to crucify you

Now it's time to prove that you've come back

here to rebuild.

I'm tired of stupidity. I know I say that a lot, but hey, at this point I'm beginning to think that nobody reads this anymore, so that's okay.

But on the off chance that somebody does... I have this to say.

When you go to a party, or an event of whatever sort, and you don't know anyone there and so you start to talk to a girl (switch the sexes around to whatever you like, I don't care), and you talk to her for two and a half hours, and you're having fun, and she's laughing about continually, and she gives you her phone number at the end of the day because she likes you enough to want to talk to you more, but it's a local call for you and long distance for her... don't play it cool and forget about it, or wait a few days so that you don't seem desperate. I'll hunt you down and kick your ass for whoever's sake. I don't care if you are desperate... don't act as though you're stuck with it, because a person is smart enough to pick up on that and throw you out of the prospectus pool.

Fair warning. I have my means.


Happy new year!

Or something. :)

Anyway... I had some fun today. I dressed up relatively Goth-like (as in, I was wearing black pants, what used to be a black dress and is now a black shirt with a really long front and back... it's split in front, and a black long jacket). It was fun. I scared a few people. I was also one of two (count them TWO!! (2)) people who wore anything relating to a costume that I saw. My quasi-friend Kevin had this fake hand with him. It looked like he was wearing a glove, and holding this very realistic-looking fake hand that had bloodstains and stuff. But instead, the glove was fake, and his hand was just bent funny... he got Mrs Spencer with it. :)

And Arthur says that Roy was scared.

I've discovered, with Jordan's help, that I have two distinct personalities. It isn't like a mental thing, because I have control over it and all, but there's the normal, black-hearted cold calculating bitchy self I normally am (sorta joking... but anyway, the violent, pyro-and-knife-lusting-after self), and this sweet and demure person who has this really soft, higher voice and giggles sometimes.

It's okay though. I only use it to scare people and get my way with people I don't know. *cue maniacal laughter: mwahahaha*

Other than that... I'm so totally going to be screwed on Friday... we have a Precalc test and I haven't yet made it halfway through the homework for the chapter. >.<

I don't know what I'm supposed to do this weekend yet. I think we might have a game or two, so I don't want to be hedged in about it, but I also kinda want to go to Pittsburg. But I can't do that unless somebody calls, and unless they do, there's really no point in it. And even if they do, I'm not sure.

I could coerce/talk someone into going and hanging out at the park, maybe... I haven't done that in more than a month. I haven't even _been_ to the park in over a month. Not since the middle of September.

And I wish CallWave would stop fucking up, because as it is, it keeps downloading new ads and then shutting down EVERY TIME we go online. >.<


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