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2002-01-06, 4:55 p.m. : November 2001

Thank you, Lord, for making me resourceful. Thank you for making it a rule in the SCA that you're supposed to get everybody's name and number for each event. Thank you for making sure I had Aislinn's number, so I could call and ask her about it.

And also, please watch over Aislinn, Herrick, and Justin... and if need be, Jordan and Brent.

And everybody else, for good measure.

Thank you for a great week, and that conversation that's still making me laugh my ass off.

And please... please please please... help me, and probably Arthur if he wants, on the Precalc test tomorrow... because if he does well on it, he'll maybe get in a good mood and we'll have a game on Saturday. There's always hope.

And thanks for the storm that's breaking right now and is making me have to turn off the comput


You know that whole thing about "every cloud has a silver lining"? Damn, but isn't it just true.

Y'see, I was feeling fine this morning on the way to school, but as soon as I got in I felt terrible. I was hot and cold, and I almost vomited - twice - so I went to the clinic to come home, and by the time I was out of school for about five minutes, I was feeling fine.

And so about half an hour ago, I called Lenny. :)

He's still at work. He's going to call me back at 2 or so.

And now I'm in a better mood, even if I don't feel completely healthy.

Because I learned something about him and chocolate, too... *whistles innocently* even if he didn't actually explain anything. But I have a dirty mind, and the way he phrased it, my ideas on the matter are probably quite close to home.

He said he likes chocolate, but not candy bars, and "now is not the time."



Well, I talked to him again. :)

It turns out that fortunately, he's a cat person. Yay.

And he, too, has a penchant for sharp shiny things.

So now I'm friends with a reptiline... half reptile, half feline, because apparently, if something is either shiny or moving, or both, it'll catch his attention.

He also said some other stuff, but nobody wants to know about that.

"Three hours!" Heh... *evil grin*


Well... that was an interesting day so far...

Y'see, I went to bed last night at about 9:30 or so. I'd been sick, so you can guess I don't normally do that. But I'd left him a message (well, two) that said "I'm tired, and I'm either going to take a nap or go to bed, but feel free to call me anyway." So he called when he got off work, and then he called back to say "Hey, I got your messages, and so I'm calling again to say that I did." This was at about 10:30 last night, so I was already well and truly asleep.

Well, this morning I woke up at about 10:15 or so, saw that I had two messages, and so whilst I fed the beasties I listened to them. And then I called him, and we talked for something like three hours or so. :)

Actually, it wasn't quite like that, because his phone disconnected a few times. But it was still most amusing and enjoyable.

For one thing, there was this: "See, I think I'm lucky, because I like blondes and I like redheads, and with you, I get both of them in one package!"

And there were all sorts of other things, from bumper stickers ("Finish your beer. There are sober people in China." "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!") to stories of cars and injuries... it was a nice way to run down his cell phone batteries. He said so himself, several times.

And so now, I'm going to talk to my sister a bit more, and then go Cruisin' with KIND because Julie and Michael are running a good show. And then I'll come home and turn on SNL if I have to, because I need to wait for him to call and give me directions and stuff if I'm going to go to Pittsburg to the fighter practice tomorrow.

Yay. :)


Damn, I'm happy...

It's always nice to have someone around to rescue you if you need it, after all.

And besides that, he let me wear his jacket. The jacket that can only be taken from him when pried from his cold dead fingers, and then only long enough for Shawn to track the offending party down before the burial...

But he let me. It was an interesting jacket. Very thick leather, and it doesn't have a lining anymore.

Oh, and he bought me dinner. :)


I'm very happy.

I've been in a good mood for long enough to scare me.

And now I'm in a much much better mood...

And I might (probably, perhaps even) get to go to Ft Scott with him on Sunday, for another fighter practice.

Isn't it sweet that a guy'd drive four hours out of his way so that he could hang out and talk to you?


Hee hee... that was fun...

*evil grin*


Naivety (written originally by Bumbi)


You don't know that you are a angel

because your wings only exist in my eyes

Those wings which are so very blue.

And when I tell you that, you just

laugh and say that you are a demon,

A demon with horns that I'm too blind to see.

But when you spread those shimmering wings

and fly up to the land of love,

I wait patiently alone on the ground.

So that when you fall down from there,

down to my land of ashes,

I can catch you every time.

You tell me that I'm a beautiful soul

Imprisoned in glass

That glass is made of my own naivety

And you promised me that when with my own will I

Break the glass

That day you'll give me everything I ever wanted.

But I will never use the rock

Which like a curse rests in my hand,

and that's not because I don't want you.

No, it's because I'm too afraid to hit

your reflection in the glass

I'm afraid that when the glass shatters

I will no longer be able to see your wings

Those wings which are so very blue.


Well, now, here's a conundrum...

Mom has a meeting tomorrow in Pittsburg. She's actually asked me if I wanted to go. Which, on the one hand, I do. And I have a half day of school, which is good anyway. However... what would I do in the meantime? I could hang out at the diner, but I might get him in trouble, and that would be bad. Besides which, if his boss finds out how old I am, she'll kick his ass.

And it would actually work, too, because he doesn't hit girls/women. Which is a good thing, after all.

I mean, he doesn't even fight them on the battlefield...

So... if I didn't stay at the diner, after lunch anyway, what would I do? Mom wants to go see Harry Potter. I wonder if the theater in Pittsburg would even still have tickets? Big theaters actually sell them early, although I kinda doubt that here they have.

But even if Mom and I went to see Harry Potter, what would I do between lunch and then, while she was in her meeting?

Because he can't call in to work tomorrow; it's payday. And because of that, he won't be off until 10.

(Side note: My mother's cat is bloody stupid. She just fell off the table. I haven't the slightest idea why.)

Of course... it's possible he could call in sick, say that he needs to come in to pick up his check, and put on a convincing show for his boss... it might work... and then he could take me to a movie. Monsters, Inc. maybe. I don't know, I haven't decided yet. :)

Oh my. I just got called "doll butt." I think I'm scared. But I'm not sure....

So... if I go to Pittsburg tomorrow, and he can't get off work at all early, that means I'll get to see him off and on for twenty minutes to half an hour. Not all bad, but seeing as how my mother'll be there, not really good. If I go to Pittsburg and he calls in sick, I don't think I'd be able to explain that to my mother, so we'd just end up eating somewhere else. Because if I told her that he wasn't working, and I wanted to go see a movie, I think she'd be suspicious... Actually, though, she'd probably still want to go eat there, in which case I don't know what would happen and my head isn't working just at the moment, so that doesn't really help.

On an entirely different note, while I try to get my thoughts back on track, I have a stalker at Momma's now. I don't know why. I don't know who. But I will track them down, and if I have to I'll get him to come to town and twist Preston's arm until he tells me who it is.

Because they've used Preston's computer doing it, whoever they are.

Anyway, I could go to Pittsburg and not see him at all, which would really suck and be rather pointless. And his cell phone is semi-permanently dead at the moment, which means that I couldn't go to the library or whatever and then just call him and not tell Mom. Which I shouldn't do anyway, so it's just as well.

So, to sum up: I could go to P. and he could be at work, and that would semi-suck. I could go to P. and he could call in, in which case either I'd not get to see him at all, which would really suck, or he could take me to a movie, which would be great.

Or I could actually go to school tomorrow, have to eat school lunch so that I could get a ride home with Roy at 12:45 instead of 12:20 with no school lunch, and not see him till Sunday. Which would suck, and all, but I don't think it would be quite as bad as going to Pittsburg and not seeing him at all anyway.

So now I need to stop confusing the poor fellow and explain this reasoning, now that I've reasoned it out, eh? Makes sense... damn it, I was going to try to stop doing that...


I went to look at a college today.

Good: Big dorms, lots of closet space, inviting/comfortable/accessible campus, and I know all the people in the SCA who live in town. (I'm exaggerating, of course, but _he_ lives in town...)

Bad: They don't have Latin and it's only an hour away from here, which means that I know, I just _know_ that Mom would want to come visit or have me come home like every weekend... bleargh.

I really think that *U would work better... it's bigger, it's not so very far away from where he's going to move (not that that's a consideration... *whistles innocently*), they have Latin and French, and teacher certification, and McCray might end up moving up there once she retires. Which would mean that any classes she'd teach (assuming she did, which from what she's been saying...) would be rather easy, since I've had her for either four or six years, depending on how you look at it, and neither of us have managed to kill the other yet.

It is a different SCA group, but hey, it's not like I have anything going on during the week here anyway, so what's the matter, eh? I could drive down to all the fighter practices or whatever easily enough.

My head isn't working very well tonight... not that that's anything new. >.<

When I was in town, I was supposed to meet him at the clock in front of the college library "at some point between 11:30 and noon". I walked past the clock at about exactly 11:30 to go to the car and get some stuff that I'd left there. I get back outside at 11:45, maybe, and I spent the next hour waiting for him.

Damned town... I always have trouble meeting people there... it's like it eats up communication skills or something like that.

Anyway, at about 12:30 I got bored and so I took the car and went exploring. Mom was in a meeting, so I don't think she would care... I don't think she knows. ^^;;

I went to Frontenac. It was a little bit farther than I needed or meant to go, so I turned around and came back. And then I went and found the strip club where a lot of the guys in the SCA work as bouncers.

I don't think it was quite what I'd expected, but hey, it's not like I've really ever seen strip clubs except in movies, so who am I to judge? And I didn't go in or anything... I didn't even get out of the car or stop, I just drove by.

Then I came back to the visitor parking spot, got in the back of Mom's minivan, and took a two-hour nap or so.

And then Mom and I went to the diner and found him. So at least I got to see him for about a half hour. Which was nice... but I didn't really get to talk to him at all. Let alone flirt. Kinda hard to do that when your mother is sitting three feet away...

I had a good meal, too. I hadn't eaten, so I was hungry.

That's a pointless detail. *cue maniacal laughter: mwahahaha*

O'course, now I'm kinda mad because he still hasn't gotten on. I'm thinking it's for one of three reasons:

1.) Somebody didn't show up at work, and so he had to stay late for Drunk Night. I hope not... but it's possible.

2.) He's with J. and A., in which case I can't really blame him. He hasn't seen them or talked to them in nine months.

3.) He's fighting with his aunt. Or she threw his computer out the window. Or something of similar ilk. I'm not sure if it really matters...

I suppose there's also a fourth...

4.) His boss made him do something else that I can't really think of right off hand... or maybe her stalker came to the diner, so he has to stay to keep the creep away.

Something like that, anyway. Whatever else, he was supposed to get off at 10 and it's now 11:45. I'm running out of things to do while I wait, too, which is really annoying me...

Also, out of something like 1245 songs, I'm on number 1001. To be sure, I haven't listened to every single one of them, and I've been listening to the list (in order, mind you, not shuffled) for most of the week... but that's still something. Which probably just says that I'm a very pitiful person who spends _way_ too much time listening to music on her computer....



Oof... I'm getting me worried...

He came to town today... I was happy. We ended up going to Walmart and wandering around, looking at stuff. Just before we left, I noticed a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle calendar, so I bought it for him. He really liked it. :)

And at about 9:40 or so, he finally left... and now it's two hours later and I'm really worried, because he should have been on at 11 or so and he hasn't yet...

I did hear what he and his best friend did that he refused to tell me over the phone or online, which is good.

But I didn't get to tell him what my evil thought was, and I didn't get him to tell me his middle name.


You just wait...

Oh yeah... and right now I smell like him... or at least I think so...


I'm going to have to change my html... I have a muse now, after all.

The thing that pisses me off is that I haven't seen him since Monday a week ago and I didn't get to talk to him at all last night.

And it probably isn't a good thing that in one weekend I managed to add about $60 to our phone bill...


Someone please reaffirm my faith in humanity.

Otherwise, I'm seceding.


It's not nice to do that.

See, I haven't talked to him since Sunday night. Despite the fact that he was sort of off work on Monday _and_ Tuesday and he was _supposed_ to be off today.

I've called five times. Twice Monday and Tuesday, and once this afternoon.

I think maybe if I go away and do something new, unusual, different... something I haven't done in at least three months... maybe then he'll call.

Once I get distracted enough not to think about it, right?

Gratuitious Link: LittleGamers

Hee hee. We have snow!!

We just need more, is all. Otherwise I'm going to end up printing out another MegaTokyo page so that I'll have something to draw on/ink in tomorrow...


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