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2002-09-02, 11:06 p.m. : 100 things

100 things I love (in random order)

1. My friends
2. My cats
3. My adoptive older sisters
4. Giving people presents that they love
5. The mugs from my trip to Phoenix last April
6. Tang (it's all your fault, John-Boy...)
7. Pens
8. Hugs
9. The boards at Momma's
10. Eva Who Rocks My Socks
11. Seeing people I love
12. Thursdays, even if I never can quite get the hang of them
13. Tarot cards
14. Feeling loved
15. van Gogh's Starry Starry Night
16. Impressionist art, especially van Gogh's :)
17. Having the urge to dance in the middle of the streets with someone
18. Dragons
19. The feeling of a clean room, even if I can't stand the work involved to make it that way
20. Knowing I helped somebody feel better
21. Having somebody sing to me
22. Having somebody say they love me and mean it
23. Long-distance phone calls in the middle of the night
24. Plaids
25. my White Teddy I've had since kindergarten, although I had another one just like it from pretty much birth until I lost it... in kindergarten...
26. Remembering teachers who loved to teach, like Mr Harris, Mz Tidwell, Miss Parnell...
27. Finding a song that's worth learning to sing
28. Yarn
29. Mao
30. Zac Maloy and The Nixons (bands)
31. Moxy Fruvous - The Drinking Song
32. Writing letters
33. Getting letters
34. Peanut butter jelly sammiches
35. Getting along with my roommate
36. My fan, which is related to The Ice God I think
37. The perfume I got in Paris
38. Acting
39. Amusing people
40. The Cupcake Dance
41. Pictures
42. 42
43. Drive-in movies
44. Things that work
45. Biting people *whistles innocently*
46. Smirnoff Ice
47. The gifts I got Heather
48. Loving somebody enough to cry for them
49. Giving people backrubs
50. Getting backrubs from people
51. *hugs*
52. They Might Be Giants "The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace..."
53. Flogging Molly (the band)
54. Nifty t-shirts
55. Getting real emails that aren't from the list
56. Calontir
57. Voltaire
58. Making things with my hands
59. Dr Pepper
60. My computer cuz it's cute
61. The Whole Nine Yards
62. The Princess Bride
63. Messing with the minds of stupid people
64. Mac Hall
65. Megatokyo
66. PvP
67. Sluggy!!
68. John-Boy
69. Squeaky
70. Heather
71. Lizabet
72. Becca
73. Megan the Red Queen
74. Samm
75. Simon and Garfunkel
76. Dave Matthews Band
77. Being mentioned in somebody else's diary
78. Being petted
79. Having somebody call me
80. Daddy's homemade pizza
81. Traveling
82. Having people pay homage to me as the sexy hot mama I am
83. My autograph dollar
84. Leaving marks
85. Crocheting collars
86. Farscape
87. The Invisible Man
88. Knowing that people are gonna do stuff for my birthday in a few days
89. Having people visit me
90. Being accepted without having to behave "normally"
91. The Discworld
92. Sandman
93. My gargoyles
94. Getting presents from people who know what I like
95. Mixing up a Groove CD
96. Surprises in a timely fashion
97. My great-grandmother who's really cool and 95 and still gets around
98. Theme songs
99. John Mayer - Neon
100. Coming up with 100 things I love in less than half an hour

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