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2002-07-28, 11:16 a.m. : my head is broken

Woohoo! I'm famous now! :)

This is another fucked up dream I had the other night, typed up yesterday morning (yes, I was actually awake) and that I was foiled from posting because Rachel snatched away the modem before I got around to it.

She barely let me finish an email to my new roomie, and I had to leave off the religious bit.

Anyway, this is the entirety of what I've got typed.


Another weird dream last night, that I just remembered while listening to the end of �Black Friday Rule�...

We were sort of here in town, to begin with anyway, only... different.

For instance, there was a tiny music house instead of the two-block-long hospital. That�s a fairly noticeable change.

So we were in the music house, of course. Listening to some bands.

The one who got a recurring bit was these four girls. I dunno who they�re supposed to be, they were just the girls in the band we really liked, and decided to hang out with us.

Jess was with us, too. Maybe some weird Jess / Lizabet amalgamation, I dunno.

So there we are, the six of us, and we decided to go to either Michael or Rory�s uncle�s house, which is where Jess�s apartment is, in the �real world�. Only instead of being her house, it was some weird hovel with a bunch of dogs and kids and craziness. Fun stuff, y�know?

Especially if you know that I don�t like dogs and can only stand kids in small increments. *grins*

So we went there, and whichever one of the guys who was there did some stuff for his uncle, and then we left.

We went to take the band back to the music house / bar / whatever. On the way there, we had a conversation, in which I related the tale of me drumming with Nakano my second day of knowing what a doumbek was, and him ending the lesson by pointing at me and saying �You need to get a drum.�

We were now in Pittsburg, too, and talking about the college, which was much bigger than it is in real life, and I was talking about what hall I�m in, and one of the girls in the band was going to be in the same hall, so that was cool.

Oh, and there was some hugantic store that was bigger than Walmart and Meijer�s and the mall combined (that reminds me of another weird dream I had once, actually) with a full-size bank inside and ATMs placed randomly about. It was weird.

And one of the dorms was actually a weird factory/granary with vehicles that looked more like they belonged to ZIM. As well as vehicles from like the �20s or so...

Then Jess, who was driving Mom�s minivan, upset everybody by nearly wrecking when she went to park the car at the restaurant / music house. (It kept changing throughout the course of the dream, see.) Sort of one of those I�m-still-doing-fifty-mph-and-the-restaurant-is-twenty-feet-away things.

So she did a nice about-face and squealed the tires and all that, so I yelled at her, saying that I�d had my fill of car accidents, thank you, and could she please not kill us all. I think I upset her... :)

After that, I had a zippy little sportster from the restaurant to drive to lead the way for everybody else so we could get where we were going.

Apparently I was now driving in Germany, but all the other drivers were Italian... I blame Fenton and Heather for putting that in my head, by the way. *grins*

Plus, some of James Bond�s enemies apparently thought that I was he, because I had to race all over everywhere. In the middle of a city. Driving a hundred miles an hour, at least, amongst heavy traffic, with the bad guys shooting at me... in a foreign country where I didn�t speak the language, no less.

So that was fun.

The end of the crazy-driving was blasting across some tiny wood bridge over the obligatory roaring river. It kind of reminded me of the embassy scene in �The Saint�, actually.

And so I halt the car and turn around just in time to see everybody else trundle across with no troubles and the �bad guys� who�d been harassing me nowhere in sight. Typical...

Bottom line, I guess, is that it�s scary what my mind comes up with when I�ve had too much sleep.

(Oh, and I hope that when we hung up, you fell asleep right away, because it took me over an hour. I guess that�s fair trade for the past couple of days, with me getting so much sleep and you getting none... *winks*)

Actually, apparently my dreams are mainly telling me I need to get a doumbek, since that�s been a recurring theme. The other day when I had the dream with the video game / orgy of miscommunication, I also had a dream with Wills reborn exactly as he is right now, but not sick, and a drum that I don�t want to know how I came up with the mental image for.

Suffice to say I hope I never see it in real life, �mkay?

God, my head is screwed up... I�d hate to think it, but I wouldn�t be surprised if I gave Tim Burton or Jhonen Vasquez double takes... or maybe the other way �round...


As far as life today goes, well, I almost managed to make it twenty-four hours awake.

I would've, too, except that there at the 23rd hour I didn't have anything to do. If I'd had the modem _then_ I could've stayed awaek.

And it's really funny when you manage to put somebody into an accidental coma when talking on the phone with them.

You know how I always have fucked-up dreams? It's not just my dreams... just dreams anywhere near me are messed up.

Pretty much, yeah.

And while it was a hell of a lot of fun, and if he's not awake again in forty-five minutes (he should be, after all) he's going to wake to a new phone message... *cue maniacal laughter: mwahahaha*

In other news, I have been asked what song I would like to have sung to me.

This is a harder question than it may look like.

The fact that one of my favorite songs, "Your Body Is A Wonderland" by John Mayer (the Bobby Brown Records phone call version) is playing...

I love that song.

The intro is stupid. But it's funny.

And I love that song...

I dunno if it'd work, though.

Lizabet? You have any advice?


It's strange to think I'd be able to function on an hour and a half, maybe, of sleep. After being awake for almost twenty-four hours.

I think the only reason I can is because of the whole massive-amounts-of-sleep-throughout-the-week-thing, tell you the truth. ;)

That's got to be it, right?

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