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2003-02-21, 5:09 a.m. : a bad habit wants to continue, shame on me?

For those interested in the "best D-land banner ever" (mind you, the purple one's gotten the most hits...), here it is:

And hopefully that'll work because I'm no longer so HTML-savvy as once I was.

Once I remembered stuff like pictures without having to think about it...


Anyway, once again I had bad sleepy schedule today. Possibly even worse than yesterday's.

Once again I went to bed at 2pm, although I did manage to stay up until then.

I woke up at 5, I think, when Greg called. *yay* Turns out that they'd had to stop for the night Thursday, so they were only just getting in to VA. I told him about taping his picture up. He asked me to email him one of mine so he'd have it and maybe wouldn't miss me quite so much.

Yeah, we're sappy. I know. I'm just happy he's safe. :) *glee*

So I rolled over and went back to sleep, and woke up at about 4. With an urge to make use of the Little Vikings' Room down the hall, as it were...

Then I came back in here and got online and I've been looking at stuff like 83 emails (thank you, Calontir) and random D-land stuff. Like people I don't know showing up here and apparently liking what they see! Yay! :)

'Course, now all the recent entries in my notes, guestbook, and map aren't from people I actually know... :P (Yeah, Lizabet, I'm talking to you... and to you, too, Fenton you bum... you people need to tell me you love me, I'm fragile don't you know)


Okay, so I'm silly. Never said I wasn't, at least so far's I remember.

So let's see... what did I do yesterday, anyway? Methinks I goofed around, mostly. Did go to class like a good little mongoose, though.

(Mind you... the mongoose banner got three clicks. Three. Out of five hundred. Whereas the purple banner's gotten 81, although that's out of 2500, but still that's an average of 3.24%... and the first time I ran it, it got 4.2%. The one up the top of the page only got 2.2%.)

Right... so at seven, anyway, I went to go get breakfast.

It was gorgeous outside. It really was. There was frost everywhere, but it wasn't actually all that cold; the sun wasn't up yet, although clouds might have a part to play in that; and the still-nearly-full-moon was still up. So it was really really pretty. Oh, and there was a fog/mist all over the place.

It still looked about the same at twenty till eight, when Suzanne-the-monkey-girl and I left the dining hall to go to class (me in the Weede, she in the Tech Center which is even further away).

Unfortunately, an hour later when I left class, the sun had come up, burned away nearly all the mist, and gotten rid of most of the frost, except for where trees and the like kept it off.

Later, Suzanne called and I went and hung out with her at the library for a little while, and caught up on a few back-issues of Sluggy Freelance. So that was nice. :)

Then I came back here, emailed half of the RayRay Collective to get the email of the other half, watched two episodes of Trigun (I'm still working on it, really...) and went to lunch.

Isn't that amazing? Lunch two days in a row, and I went to breakfast today too. I think I've been to the dining hall more in the last two days than in the last three or four weeks... at least.

At which point I ran into Suz again, as I figured I would... and we hung out and talked some more, and all that jazz.

She left a little after one so she could go check her email and the like, and then go to class...

...and I went to sleep.

I think that's today all caught up, then. I could be wrong, but YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!!! *cue maniacal laughter: mwahahaha*

*shuts up*

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