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2002-02-13, 12:45 a.m. : still not in Pennsylvania, folks

That was... an interesting way to spend three hours...

First, right before eight, I get annoyed with "DoubleCheese" Richard and call him a pissy little bitch.

Then he gets _way_ too personal, saying I was just pissy because "my boyfriend is in another state getting screwed by some other woman".

Which made me want to scream bloody murder... or more accurately, get somebody else to scream bloody murder because of me...

But I got over it. Eventually. I didn't kill him, or even hit him, although if Fat Bastard Chris hadn't been in the way, I very well might have done.

So instead I made a "strategic retreat" from the building. Walked home in tears that somebody'd say that. Took a shower because I needed one because I'd been at work.

Lenny called, I guess just as I was getting in... I called him back after, and started talking to him at about 9:30.

Until just about now... :)

Told him about Richard. Told him Richard is in his late twenties or thirties. He was happy about that. Said something about "fair game".

I don't mind. It's actually a bit of a relief. And besides, I know that if I really ask him to, and he has the six bucks' gas to get here and back, he will in very deed beat the shit out of Richard for me. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, you know? *grins*

So then he caught me up on what he's been doing since Saturday.

There was a lot in that list.

For one thing, he's back in P., instead of STL... and he's now living with Shawn and Angel. (For the past two days or so.) He's still looking for Fidget, and really mad at some chika who let him out... and sent Lenny a "housewarming" gift of a cat who looks just like him. "Dancing" the way that I myself have seen him. Lenny's not happy about that.

If he's going to stay, which he'd maybe like to, he's going to need a job locally, however. Because STL can't really use him in KS. And scarily/sadly enough, apparently the quickest job offer he's had in town is working at the club... and not as a bouncer... or behind the bar... >.<

He might even take it, too. Which, I think, scares me more.

I dunno. I just... well, to begin with, I never really pictured myself dating a biker... but now that I have/am, I'm fine with it. It's just that I'm not sure that I'd be so okay with the thought of dating a male stripper.

I mean, I work with a wannabe at work... but STILL!

Anyway. More news.

Sabrina has finally been caught up in her own stupidity to the point she's totally screwed. She's caught between two very angry and protective fathers.

Lenny, and Phillip. Who, it turns out, did NOT in fact dump S. and the kids out the door after a week. Who, it turns out, is actually a fairly decent guy.

I almost drove out there. I would have been in Parsons by now, dammit! Half an hour away from the guy I'm fallen/falling in love with, and definitely attracted to... ;) and instead...

Well, I have no cash. But Shawn and Angel had like $35 before they went to work, and presumably more afterward. So Lenny was going to check with Shawn to make sure I could borrow like $6 for gas so that it wouldn't be obvious that I'd driven to P.

But when I called back at 12:30, as per instructions, it turns out that Shawn and Angel hadn't gotten back by the time Lenny left... because he had a guest in town he wasn't expecting to hear about until tomorrow at some point.


Saying something about "I know how we can get custody of the kids."

So Lenny called off tonight (just as well, really) and was driving to go pick him up.

And he got pulled over. *laughs*

So he had to get off the phone.

So I'll talk to him tomorrow night after my classes, which means that I'm going to have to spend all day tomorrow writing haikus... damn critters...

an overcast sky
as the rain begins to fall
now cry down, monsoon

Valete, amici.

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